
HBS Alumni Angels - Start-Up Pitch Event
Invitation for Start-Up Pitch Event Q1 – February 18th 2021
Dear fellow Harvard alumni,
We hope that everyone of you started this year healthy and with a lot of optimism and positivity! Thank you for your interest in our Christmas Lounge & Kick-Off in December and all your encouraging feedback. Your positive reactions and the response from the start-up side shows us that we're on the right track!
We've already put in a lot of work, time and effort to get the next events prepared for you. We can confirm three highly interesting Start-ups for our next pitch night!
Please register for our next pitch night on 18th February 2021 at 7pm over Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/hbsaa-pitch-night-q1-2021-registration-135999037783
Pitch Night Q1 ´21 Details
Date: 18th February 2021
Time: 7pm CET
Place: Online via Zoom
Please also check if you're interested and willing to help us with the following topics:
- Please also follow us on LinkedIn and share our posts, events and other information and help us build a great reputation in Germany / Europe! https://www.linkedin.com/company/hbsaagermany
- If you feel comfortable and experienced enough to help us screen and evaluate start-up applications, please let us know. As start-up applications are increasing, we will be expanding our screening committee.
- If you are experienced in syndicating deals and negotiating term-sheets please let us know as well, we are looking for some experienced investors who are willing to share their knowledge within our community and act as lead investors.
Thank you again for your encouragement, positive feedback and support - we're looking forward to an exciting year 2021 with you!
Best Regards
Your HBSAA Germany Team